What is an online community?
These communities bring together people with common interests. Examples include games, books, music, sports, TV, health, and many others. Anyone can choose what they like and join such communities. Some of them are closed. What do you mean? If you want to join such groups, you must send a request to the group administrator.

Without it, you will not be able to read the posts of the members in the group nor post your findings. Other online communities are open to everyone (i.e., public). Here you can interact and post without restrictions. There are also communities that deal with things you don\’t want to think about or avoid. You have to be careful where you actually go. Not all of these online communities need to be good, you never know who is out there and you need to be cautious. On the other hand, here you can exchange opinions and insights on a wide variety of topics. You can also find posts about healthy living, things to watch out for, and much more. There are an amazing number of online communities on the Internet. They include pornography, children, polls, and much more.

Should we trust them?
For some, it is a ridiculous question. They should be viewed in terms of helping us make decisions, relaxing us, and generally entertaining us. Of course, it is unwise to trust them implicitly. This is because few online communities are truly run by experts. They are mostly hobbyists, whose purpose is to inspire and support. So if you\’re considering whether or not to trust them, do it in moderation. Don\’t believe miraculous promises of more money or incredible weight loss in minutes. There are people out there trying to make money from you or get information from you. Be careful, as anywhere on the Internet. But it is a very interesting way to talk to people about a variety of topics. So, here you go.