Hello, I’ve been fired

If there is a risk that you may have to hit the pavement in the near future, at least tell your partner or someone you share a household with in advance. If you work for a company, you probably have a rough idea of its financial situation, and the human resources department will let something slip from time to time. Informing your spouse in advance that your boss may get rid of you has several advantages. First, it prepares you mentally and otherwise for the fact that your entire household may be living on your salary for some time. Second, the sooner you cast your net, the greater the likelihood that the layoff will become a career change. Perhaps a position has opened up in a partner\’s firm, or the partner may know someone who is looking for someone. But be careful not to appear to have already picked up an anchor in the current team.
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Don\’t LieIf you have to quit, you should not deny it or lie about it. It doesn\’t really matter what the reason was, but one of the worst things you should not do is pretend that you are still going to work. Being honest means, first, admitting the whole situation to yourself, and second, as mentioned above, that those around you have somehow come to terms with it financially and emotionally and can help you. One of the most difficult tasks is to inform your children of the entire situation. Again, the worst truths outweigh the best lies. But your children will notice that you are somehow at home, and talk of vacations and vacations will soon percolate.
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Never give up
Even something as simple as quitting can result in something positive. It\’s a great opportunity to reassess what direction you want to take in life, what\’s working and what\’s not. For example, maybe your relationship is falling apart because the two of you work very different hours, or your work is taking up too much of your time. Once you stop, take a breath, and start over again.