First apartment

Remember your first apartment? I did, and it was really small. It was like a small studio. I liked it, but just for beginners. I think that\’s what everyone likes when they start to live. I was about 19 or 20 years old and I was really happy to have my place. I really wanted an apartment, it was my only big wish. Now my parents told me that when I graduate, they would buy me an apartment. I was surprised by the shock!  And I was working hard to have an apartment. Maybe it\’s crazy, but it\’s not. My parents wanted it that way.

Oba si byt přejeme.

I must admit that I also tried only for the apartment, but my parents certainly knew it. I did not have a bright future. My parents only worked in the store, there were no big companies. I knew they didn\’t have much money. And I thought, when I get a job, I try to have a place where there is the most money. So I also still have to study.

Svého přítele mám doma.

And to get my own apartment, I need a great job. And for a great job, I need a good school. Without a good school or diploma, it is difficult to go anywhere. I also worked as a cleaner in college. I was enjoying it. But when I had a studio, I started to feel cramped. I found a friend. And so that he did not have to pay the rent himself, he went to live with me. In a small apartment aka studio apartment. But we both liked it. It was 1 year later that we got closer. He moved there, and all his things were very large and dimensional. So we said we could probably sell an apartment and then take a mortgage and get another apartment or a bigger one. Not at least 3 plus 1, and some small studio apartments, but it\’s really a financial opinion. And although we do not have much, we do not give up friends. We are both going to work hard to realize our living dreams because we really want an apartment, a bigger one. maybe someday.

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