Easter Decorations

Window Decorations

First, decorate your windows. Adhesive plastic film is best for glass. Alternatively, you can cut your own colored construction paper and attach it to the window with adhesive tape cut into small pieces.
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Easter eggs

Easter eggs for decoration

Traditional Easter eggs are decorated with wax or paint and most commonly found at the annual Easter markets held in large towns before Easter.

It is also important to put seeds in pots or decorative clay pots 14 days before Easter. Rye and cat grass seeds can be purchased at gardening supply stores. Within a few days after sowing, beautiful green plants will emerge.

Also, pastel-colored, egg-shaped candles can be a beautiful addition to a spring window.
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Make your own Easter decorations.

Buy polystyrene eggs and decorate them by gluing or attaching natural materials or bought decorations with small pins. You can also glue on various scraps of fabric to create your own original designs.

Insert golden rain branches into a vase and scatter them over the decorated eggs.

Also buy a rabbit, a symbol of spring. Have it sit in green hay or so-called paper hay, available at stationery stores. A basket of straw or linen would make the perfect Easter impression.

Place pots of daffodils, crocuses, primroses, and other spring flowers in colorful containers on the front porch of the house.

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