Do you plan to build a house?

From the moment you become an investor, you are faced with many challenges and decisions. Which home design is best suited? A single-story design? A detached house? Or a house with a loft?
So where do we start in our search for the perfect project?schůzka nad projektem

1. Land

When searching for their dream home, many investors look to ready-made home designs offered by architecture studios. Before making your selection and final decision, be sure to look at the land on which you want to build. Its parameters (e.g., size, shape, foundation and dimensions) can determine the size and shape of the house, its construction cost and insulation. The minimum distance from the wall with windows to the lot boundary is 3.5 meters. Given the above, it is important to note that the smaller the lot, the smaller the house.
When choosing the design of the house, one should base it on its location on the site so that natural light can be used to create a bright, sunny, cozy, and comfortable interior. It is best to have large windows in the day zone and to be located on the sunny side (south, southwest, or west). Utility rooms, such as pantries and laundry, can all be oriented to the north and east. The direction from which one enters the building is also important. If entering from the south, habitable rooms should be kept away from the street.výkres, pravítko a tužka

2. Development Plan

Before we start choosing a design for the house, it is worth checking if our site is in an area subject to a development plan. The development plan describes the principles of development and therefore defines how the house can legally be viewed. If the property is not covered by a development plan, then we would need to apply for planning permission from the municipality. This defines the features and parameters of the future home and narrows the search area for the dream project. The result will determine whether to choose a small home, a medium-sized home, a home with lofts, or a one-story home. Not all projects can be done on your own lot.

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