It goes without saying that not all people are sane and law-abiding. There are still many among us who see nothing wrong with enriching themselves at the expense of others. And the overwhelming majority of them are thieves.
This is especially a problem for owners of expensive properties that for whatever reason must be left unattended for long periods of time. However, even ordinary houses and apartments can become targets for them if the occupants are, for example, at work. Therefore, it is understandable that measures are taken to prevent burglaries.
Fortunately, we have several options. The most common, and the one that everyone should use, is a key. This should be on the front door, or on all gates leading to the garden. We must not forget to lock the door while we are away. This will make it easier for thieves to break in.
Of course, this is often not enough. There are still those who can overcome even the most complex locks, or simply find another way. For such people, it is better to make it impossible. For example, if they live in an apartment, the doors and windows leading to the balcony should be made of tempered glass.
For single-family homes, a sturdy fence with barbed wire or spikes would be ideal. Of course, it should be high enough and smooth with no protrusions to make it difficult to climb.
You can\’t go wrong by installing alarms. It would certainly cost more, but that way, if someone breaks in, the police would be notified immediately and the culprit would be caught in the act.
As for dogs, I would not recommend it. Sure, they may serve as a deterrent of some sort, but on the whole, if a person is determined enough, they usually have no problem getting over it. Also, if a thief bites you, you could be sued for bodily harm.
As you can see, there are many options and it is up to you what combination you choose. Just keep in mind that this is about protecting your property.